Estate Planning & Probate Lawyer, Fort Lauderdale, FL


10 Essential Estate Planning Tips for Blended Families

A blended family, also known as a stepfamily, is a family unit where one or both parents have children from previous relationships but have combined to form a new family. This type of family structure can include children from each parent's past relationships as well as children born to the current couple. Blended families often...

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The Growing Problem of Unwritten Wills in Older America

A valid, well-constructed will can reduce the likelihood of legal challenges to an estate while protecting wishes and loved ones. During a time of grief, a clear last will and testament can ease the administrative and financial stress on families, as the deceased's wishes are clearly laid out. Knowing there's a plan in place can...

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Tips to Use the Gift Tax Exemption Before It’s Cut

For significant savings in Florida, be prepared to make large gifts prior to 2026 The federal estate and gift tax exemption is about to be cut in half if Congress doesn’t act to preserve it. And with all the discord in Washington, who knows if that will happen? If you are planning to make significant...

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If protecting your legacy and the financial security of your loved ones is a concern of yours, it’s a concern of ours. Let’s talk. Our law firm provides legal services in English and Spanish. Free consultations for new clients.

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